Dec 3rd

Happy Friday....

In anticipation that it was going to be 'one of those days,' I leaped out of bed to start getting ready. The girls followed my lead, because they were up early and first thing they did was head over to their Advent calendars to see what the elves had brought them...this is what they found:

And underneath the tree were two pairs of black gloves! Perfect for a day like did those elves know?

It was a Panera kind of morning, so we stopped in quickly, then headed over to school because they were doing a Holiday Bazaar for the kids to shop for their loved ones. Sofia had a great time buying presents for her Grandparents, her sister and her parents. But before we stopped in, we saw this...

It was a volunteer day at Ava's pre-school, and I have to say, this was one of the easiest days on record (probably because one fourth of the class was out sick today). Sofia hung out for the first hour and did a project at my table:

My other "project" was to take each child's picture in a cute Santa outfit for a gift that each of them will give to their parents. When Mrs. Lester asked if I liked taking pictures, I gave her a look as if to say..."do you know who I am?" ha ha ha....I used her SLR, but I snuck in a picture with my own camera:

At recess, this caught my eye:

As I was in the Jack in the Box drive through (UGH!), I got the great call that my escrow closed today, so that made me smile.

The rest of the day was a breeze, ending in a drive through Christmas Card Lane and then family dinner at CPK :)

Let the weekend begin....

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Joce - so cute! I love your Elves! You had a busy day :) We have one of those reindeer cars at the kids' school only it's brown. Note to self - next time take a picture of it with the kids. Thanks for the idea!