Turn back the hands of time

Today being end of daylight savings time, I feel as though I have been given the gift of time (even if only an hour). And what better way to use that gift then by deciding how to, from this day on, best utilize my time. Reminded always that my family, our health, creating memories and preserving those memories is best way to utilize my time.

It was another glorious day in San Diego. Went to 8:30 mass and my parents as well as my sister and her family were there - whereas they both usually go later. It was a wonderful homily about the greatest commandment. Had great social time after mass. Spent time with Jays parents today too. There were a few tough spots in our day, mainly having to do with the girls' discipline. We even had a few tears. Made a few baby steps at getting house cleaned and organized. Getting prepped for holidays, upcoming December Daily album which I want so badly to do this year, and 2013's Project Life. Life is going by so fast lately that if I don't do a better job at documenting it, I'm going to miss it!

Reading a great book called "American Wife".... Great quote today. "We have to make mistakes. It's how we learn compassion for others." Wow how that one moved me today!

Girls are asleep with their new dolls. Jay is asleep next to me. Life is good.

(This picture was after mass and girls just had their donuts and were waiting under the tree which will soon be location of our new church)

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