Dearest Sofia,
It is the eve of your 5th Birthday. Even though I am not going to be the first to kiss you on your special day since you’re at Grandma and Grandpa Lomahan’s tonight, I don’t think there is anyone more excited than me. I thank God every day for bringing you into my life. I look at your beautiful face and I know now what an angel looks like.
In just a few short weeks, you will be starting Kindergarten. I’ve been preparing myself for this day for a long time, but I still cannot believe it is finally here. You have been going to speech therapy for two years now, so you’re very familiar with the school setting. I know you’re going to be a superstar, but I am just not ready to let you go. Knowing you and your little personality, you’re going to want to say hello to every little kid in your class. I know your teachers are going to simply fall in love with you. And our responsibility is to make sure you do what you need to do to the best of your ability.
You remind me so much of myself when I was little. Although I don’t remember exactly how I felt when I was your age, I just know that we have so many similar traits. Just like you, I was afraid of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland. I don’t think I was able to ride it until I was a teenager. So I won’t ever force you to until you’re ready.
One of the many things that I admire about you is that you’re so passionate at such a young age. You love your sister and your friends so much. Sometimes your passion exceeds the nth degree. You are your sister’s biggest defender, yet when you two fight, I see you trying so hard not to fight too hard because we’ve asked that of you. That’s just the kind of girl you are.
Now more than ever, I am living in the moment and that is something I want to instill in both you and your sister. The only things that I will ever expect from you are to do your best at everything you do, to live in the moment and to never regret anything that you do. Daddy and I will work our hardest to provide for your most basic needs. In return, I expect you to respect yourself, first and foremost, and everyone else around you.
I love you more than you’ll ever know. I am so overcome with happiness and love. Happy 5thBirthday, Sofia Grace.
your girls are darling, joc! they're so sweet. thanks for stopping by the blog. let's keep in touch.
Happy Birthday Sofia!! <3, gina and leo
Happy Birthday Sofia! We hope you have an Awesome day! We'll see you at Pump It Up Saturday!!! We love YOU! =) Auntie Joy & Uncle Noah
Happy Birthday Sofia! We love you! Vince and Olivia can't wait to see you on Saturday. lots of hugs and kisses your way today!
It was so great meeting you today! Your girls are beautiful!
I will be checking in often!!!
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