Papers! I can't seem to rid myself of them. Even in this day and age and technology being as advanced as it is, there are just some papers I cannot part with. On the weekends when the family is asleep, I'll have the tv on in the master bedroom and I am usually sitting on the floor going through old memorabilia, Sofia's projects she brings home from school, photos, receipts, statements, catalogs, magazines, old greeting cards, etc. etc. etc. trying to figure out what to keep, what to throw away, what to scan, what to treasure forever...Thank goodness for my
Fujitsu ScanSnap Scanner. If it weren't for that little guy, things would be worse. I remember how happy I was to bring several boxes of scanned papers to
ShredIt to destroy forever and ever. The best $15 ever spent. But it is still not enough. Especially now when I am trying to clear out a few rooms for my brother-in-law and sister-in-law to move into temporarily, it is forcing me to make hard and fast decisions about these damn files. I think it's a sickness actually. I guess you can call me a paper packrat; I don't want to be...someone please save me.
I am the same way! Noah gets on my case about my array of paper clutter I've created over the years. I need to get one of those scanners!
I think the hardest is throwing all the cute paperwork that comes home with the kids. The only thing I can suggest is every once in awhile, take a picture of all the bulky art projects Sofia takes home. Now you have a picture of them and you won't feel so guilty throwing them away. At the end of each month, I try and sift through what school work I should keep and what needs to be thrown away. Good luck!
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