Sunday School

My little Sofia is growing up so quickly, I cannot believe it's time to start bringing her to Sunday school. CCD at our church doesn't start until the 1st grade, but they still pull the 4 & 5 year olds out of Mass to read stories and such. I was always curious as to what they did back there. Anyway, I took Sofia to Mass with me this past Sunday because it was one of the rare occasions that I did not have to work. I talked it up all morning, and she was very excited. In total anticipation that she would be nervous, I was prepared to go with her. Sure enough, she asked me to come along, so I happily obliged. It was very sweet. The kids said prayers, sang songs, heard a story and had discussion time afterwards. The question on the table was: "how do you help others?" All the kids were anxious to answer. I heard so many sweet voices say things like. "I help my mom set the table" "I help my little sister" "I help my daddy wash dishes"....Anxiously waiting was Sofia, with her hand raised high. When the teacher called upon her, she was the only one to actually stand up to give her answer (A public speaker in the making).

"Hi, my name is Sofia and my mom's name is Jocelyn. And I help my mom........get gas......"

(Apart from laughing my head off, I thought...when has she ever helped me get gas?)

God Bless my child!!!! love them to pieces!


Joy & Noah said...

HA! That is so funny and too cute. It made my day! That's Sofia for you and I'm PROUD to have her as my niece. I give her an A+ for giving a unique answer! Go Sofia!

gina*b said...

joce, i think you have a natural public speaker in the house. maybe even doing stand up? ;)

Jenny said...

well i'm glad sofia thinks she helps you get gas - haa haa! too cute. you never know what she is going to say :) glad she is liking CCD.

Mei-Ling said...

Kids say the funniest things!!! I love it!!! Keep it coming Sofia! Love you!