We are in.Vince.ible

Saturday was the Walk for Autism. Thank you to all of the people that sponsored me with their donations: my sister Jennifer Soriano, Ahn Balmeo, Alison Miller, Andrea Dougherty, April Ibay, Barb Humes, Carol Bergen, Christine Calustro, Denny Fallon, Jason & Natalie Lamb and Malou Saradpon. I raised about $500 and still have people that want to donate even after the fact...will happily accept!
It was an absolutely gorgeous morning down at Balboa Park where we met up with the rest of our team. The kids had so much fun and we all had our matching in.Vince.ibles shirts that we had made for the event! (thanks Jed). There were several booths of information regarding Autism Awareness and the energy in the air was wonderful! A great event and one that we will participate in every year. We walk for Vince. I am challenging everyone reading this to join us next year!


gina*b said...

So glad it was successful! Atta girl (for raising all that money!) What great support! I really wish I was there....

Jenny said...

you really are the best. couldn't have done it without you :)