...December Day 2, 3, 4, 5

(I am already behind on the December Daily scrapbook...but I figured I'd blog some notes so I don't forget anything)

Day 2: since it is so dark when I arrive home from work, Jay has the Christmas tree already lit and it's so pretty as I approach the house that I stopped in the street and snapped a few pictures of it...

Day 3: One of Jay's co-workers Mary may just be an actual descendant of Santa Claus, she goes all out every Christmas.  One year we went to visit her home, and it was like a Christmas museum...and it's like that all year 'round!  She gave the girls little Countdown to Christmas Calendars...they love it.

Day 4:  We finally figured out how to make good coffee at the office, so I don't go broke buying coffee all day long.  However, I did have to splurge $3 on a tiny pumpkin loaf that Cafe Positano sells.  Yum.

O Christmas Tree...how lovely are your branches.

Off to the (empty) mall we go....
Day 5: Red day at Sofia's school, so Ava wanted to play along...

The cutest Minnie Mouse shoes we found at Disneyland on sale!

at Barnes later that day...


Jenny said...

Love love love your pictures! And I loved your "plumeria at twilight'" page using the Twilight font :) I'm so happy you are doing this with us!!!!!

gina*b said...

looking at the picture seeing the tree lit from the window made me smile so BIG (and the minnie shoes :) )! I'm so glad you girls are doing this! can't wait to read more...