Spring Break Disneyland trip

We have been promising the girls that we would go to Disneyland and since I'm having my surgery next Wednesday, not sure how long it will be until we can go again. It was a beautiful Spring Day..not too crowded, but crowded enough for us to only do one of the parks and stay for only about 3 hours. We enjoyed seeing the newest addition to It's A Small World - Woody & Jessie, we also stumbled on an area where Chip & Dale were just hanging out with no one around them, so the girls snuck some photos in. Even have a mpeg of Chip or Dale (never know who is who) stealing Sofia's cat and her chasing him and them having a one way conversation about the cat's name (Sarah)...come to think of it, all of Sofia's stuffed animals are named Sarah. If you look closely at the photos of Ava, Sofia and I are waving in the background..fun..

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1 comment:

Joy & Noah said...

Disneyland is so much fun ...OMG. The girls are growing up so fast... Good luck on your surgery...we're praying for your fast recovery =)