Geek Girl

I hadn't looked at her blog in awhile, but I felt like seeing what was up with Jessica Sprague, the digital scrapbooking guru....and the post that popped up was "A Windows Girl Goes Mac: Episode 1".... I felt like I was reading my own thoughts...I was cracking much so that I left a comment...

I was an "I'll never switch to a MAC" girl...since my husband is an IT guy, we were an anti-MAC house....but can I tell you, I'm a convert! I bought myself a MAC for Christmas and was given the classes at the MAC store as a gift..which really helped and only $99 for the year...great deal. I use my PC for work, but I really am enjoying the MAC thing that I am longing for on my MAC....PICASA!!!! I keep reading blogs that it is coming soon...not soon enough. I've been asking all the computer geeks if I should invest in Crossover to be able to run PC programs on my MAC (well...just Picasa)...still debating...

July 31, 2008 | Jocelyn


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