I received one of my birthday gifts a day early. As I was leaving the office, my boss said to take the day off. It was like I was given the gift of time! The girls were in Spring Valley, so instantly I thought of all of the things on my to-do list that I could accomplish. Woke up at 8:19am* to the sound of my cell phone ringing. It was Gina calling to wish me a happy birthday; I missed the call. So as I was getting ready to call her back, I noticed 7 text messages from friends wishing me a happy day. That made me smile. Talked to Gina while still in my pajamas and told her that I felt like doing nothing. She said, “Do nothing!” I threw away my to-do list for today.
So…what am I doing now? I’m sitting at Starbucks sipping coffee, reflecting and waiting for my massage appointment (Thank you Joy & Noah). I could sit here all day, but I’m so excited to see my girls and Jay later on this afternoon.
On the heels of finishing “The Last Lecture,” I highlighted a few sentences in the book that I wanted to comment on, and today is the perfect day to do it. (Everyone should read this book, I don’t think I’ll be giving away too much…but if you want to wait before you read the rest of my entry: Stop here.)
Take a time out. That is what I am doing today. We all need some time, even if only a few hours, to be alone and do what we need to do to recharge our batteries (even if it is just drinking a second cup of coffee).
“Dutch Uncle”. Defined as a person that gives you honest feedback. It is so important to have these in your life. I have several and I am so thankful for it. We all need them, and we should all BE them to others. Gaspar is my greatest Dutch Uncle, which is why I talk to him almost every day.
Brick Walls. Brick walls are there for a reason. They show how badly we want something. It's about finding a way to get over it. My biggest brick wall has been my career. I have yet to find my passion. I know it’s possible to make money doing something I love, my quest is to find it….and soon!
You’ve got to have Goals. Someone once told me that if you write something down it is 50% more likely to happen. I have tried to make it a habit to write down more of my goals, daily ones such as to-do lists as well as more lofty ones like what I want to accomplish in my life…. “You can always change your plan, but only if you have one”.
Are you spending your time on the right things? This is something that I struggle with. I always claim to be so busy, but really…busy doing what? I really like shopping, but I've decided that I am not very good at it and that I need to stop wasting my time and instead do things that are more important. I know there are other time wasters that need to be eliminated in my life.
Dream big. Why not?! Yes, one day I want to be on a Broadway stage.
Don’t complain, just work harder. This is a great mantra, not just in the work place, but in life too.
Don’t obsess over what people think. I used to be reluctant to tell people I did pageants because I was afraid of what people would think. Why?! It was one of the best times in my life. I love the stage, and what easier way to be on one…just being me.
Be the first penguin…failure is not just acceptable, it’s often essential. I used to be so afraid to fail at anything I do. This fear has limited me in so many ways. But it’s never too late. I need to change my attitude and go for it, even if I fail.
Get People’s Attention. I have a framed print in my closet that says “Good clothes open all doors.” To me, it doesn’t mean spending a ton of money on clothes, but about being aware of how you present yourself every day…usually a huge smile will suffice (while wearing clothes of course).
Tell the Truth. Enough said.
Happiest Place on Earth. I have been a Disney fanatic for as long as I can remember. It is the most magical place in the world. And that is why as an adult, I made the decision to have my kids experience it as much as possible. I want them to have the memory of us having lots of fun there as a family, even though I know the real Happiest Place on Earth is with each other.
Jai. Inside joke between Jenna and me. My Jay is the strength in my life. For 15 years, I have been in love and every day, I love him more and more. He makes me laugh, he is a wonderful father and husband and I can’t believe how lucky I am to have found him so early in my life.
Know how much your parents love you. If I can achieve nothing else in this life, I just want Sofia and Ava to know how much I love them. I vow to tell them every day, several times a day if I can. God has blessed me in so many ways, but these little angels that He sent to me just give a whole new meaning to life. I am so lucky.
(Seriously...pick up this book, it's a very quick read, and it will make you think about your own life.)
*8:19am…..for some reason I seem to always look at a clock when it’s 8:19 am/pm…funnily, Sofia’s birthday.
Nota bene:
The rest of my birthday was smashing! Had never been to Massage Envy, the therapist I had was a Filipino guy who said that he has been massaging ever since he was 11 years old when his Lolo taught him how. Afterwards, had a great lunch with my parents to thank them in person. Later, Jay and I went to the Prado for drinks and afterwards, picked up a little ice cream cake to eat with the girls. Good times!
Happy Birthday to me! All of my wishes have already come true (except the Broadway thing...)
What a great way to spend your birthday! Love the list you made - everything on it is so true. Good stuff you need to live daily by. And go Broadway!!! Happy happy birthday. May you have many more days filled with 2nd cups of coffee, massages, drinks at the Prado and ice cream cake :) Happy birthday dear friend. Love you! xoxo
HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY, GIRL! I remembered yesterday, really I did! XOXO
Live each day to its fullest!
I love the list. you've sold me on picking up that book! good words to live by. and the celebration continues...
...and i meant every word! :) thank you for sharing your list, makes def makes you feel good and want to exhale. going to check out that book too...mahalos!
I'm going to get that book. Sounds like I need to read it!
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