An apple today

Teachers don't get paid enough!

That is my opinion after my day spent volunteering in Sofia's Kindergarten class. I was very excited about today, because I wanted to peek into the typical day for Sofia in school. Myra so kindly took care of Ava while I went to Sofia's school. When I got there, the secondary teacher said..."Oh, by the way, Ms. Hale is not here today, there is a subsitute teacher and he doesn't speak English very well, so we're REALLY going to need your help today. So why don't you go get some coffee and come back in an hour." I did as she said and got my Starbucks; I should've gotten iced because when I got back to class, I immediately started to feel nervous and hot because I knew it would not be easy.

So the subsitute was a very nice, very young man from, I think the Caribbean, he was reading the kids a book that they couldn't understand because his accent was quite thick and he spoke very softly. My first task of the day was getting green, red and yellow apples cut up for the kids to do a project about graphs. I got to sit with Sofia's group and go through the project with them. All was going well. I had to help watch the kids during recess, which was easy. And at one point, their 5th grade reading buddies came in to read books with the kids.
Chaos broke out when the secondary teacher says to me.."I'm going on a lunch right now, so can you do this, this and this." Somehow we got through most of the tasks but I started to have to use my big voice with the kids because it was just the sub and me, and he was doing NOTHING to control the chaos as soon as the teacher left. I kept looking at the clock and we had about 10 minutes left before it was time to be dismissed, so what did I do? I gathered all of the kids together on the big carpet and took out my handy, dandy camera and started taking pictures of them. I called out for a happy, sad, excited, silly, etc.....types of faces! They loved it and it killed the longest 10 mintues in the history of the world! (Plus I got a few cute momentos of the day).
Sofia and I picked up Myra and Ava and went out to lunch to celebrate Myra's birthday. All in all a good day, but I have an ever-increasing respect for teachers and all they do!!!!


Joy & Noah said...
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Joy & Noah said...

Teacher's definitely need to get paid more! Great job Joce! I can't imagine handling all those kids. Also, awesome idea to have them make silly faces at the end. . .very cute

Anonymous said...

go joce!! great idea on taking out your camera to save the day :) couldn't agree with you more, teachers don't just don't get paid enough!

Anonymous said...
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Jenny said...

i LOVE IT! Great story! and you got great pictures of sofia's class. i see that it was rainbow week and the color of the day was red - haa haa!

Mei-Ling said...

You nailed that one Joce!!! Teachers surely do not get paid enough. I've volunteered in Ryan's class a couple of times now and it's no easy task. Me wanting to be a teacher (once upon a time) has flown out the window. Cute pics!

Mei-Ling said...

By the way Joce, great digi layouts!

gina*b said...

You make it look so easy! I love how you naturally broke out with the camera and controlled the class with your magic picture box :) Great job!!! So proud of you!!

Jeannie Baldomero said...

AMEN to that one sister!!! So going back to the classroom would definitely be something I'd think about later...