Sofia leaped out of bed in the morning because she was so excited. We got dressed in record time and ran downstairs to prepare her snack for the day. We were all too excited; I myself, could barely keep still. Sofia said she wasn't hungry, but then Jay suggested we go to Starbucks (of course), and then she decided that she was in the mood for Apple Juice and a croissant.
We were super early, so we just walked around campus and observed. Her teacher, Ms. Hale, was walking around so we got to snap a photo with her.
We eventually wandered over to the Kindergarten playground; my Sofia had a smile from ear to was the cutest thing! I could almost see her little brain just taking it all in and thinking "What should I do first?" We let her run around and play, and Ava followed. Once teacher rang the bell, all the kids got into line and this is her smiling as she was trying to peek into the classroom to see what was in store for her.
I thought that she had already forgotten about us, but she turned to me and said "Bye Mommy, I love you!" OOOHHHH MMMYYYY GAAWWWDDDD...It was one of the best moments ever.
The funniest sight was all of us parents looking into the window to see what was going on. The kids were sitting around Ms. Hale as she was reading a book, and my little angel moved her way to the front row! Everyone asked me if I cried....I didn't! (can't believe it)...but as we were walking to the car, I got a little choked up, just thinking about what a memorable day this was! I'm so proud of my girl!!!
Congrats on the first day of school Sofia and Mommy!
sounds like the perfect first day! Yay Sofia and Joce :)
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