Thanks to Ali Edwards, I have been inspired to choose one little word for 2009. The idea behind the one little word concept is to give yourself something to focus on throughout the year.
I chose the word CONNECT because for awhile now, I have felt so disjointed and disconnected with myself and others. This is my year to simplify my life and connect or re-connect with myself and others and form a stronger bond to those that are important to me; stop putting up so many barriers and guards around myself and just let people into my life, for there's a reason they have come to me.

 /kəˈnɛkt/ [kuh-nekt]
-to establish communication between
-to cause to be associated, as in a personal or business relationship
-to associate mentally or emotionally
-to become connected; join or unite
-to have or establish successful communication; make contact
-to relate to or be in harmony with another person, one's work, etc.


Joy & Noah said...

That's a great idea!

Jenny said...

great word joce! it's going to be great year :)

Anonymous said...

here, here!! great focus word joce! :)