"Close my eyes.....and LEAP"

So many wonderful things have happened to me since my last thoughtful blog post back in December.  

For my Christmas present, Jay took me to watch Wicked in Los Angeles.  Along with Jeff & Jenny, we thoroughly enjoyed it.  Probably because I had just finished reading the book, I really felt a connection with the main character.  And with the power of its music and costumes and the characters, I was completely transported.  I loved every second of it and have been listening to the soundtrack every day since I've seen it.  

The holidays were simply wonderful because I was with the people I love.  

And 2009 has already proven to be a life-changing year for me in so many ways.  For one thing, we have downsized to a smaller house in San Elijo Hills thus alleviating me from the unnecessary burden and stress of carrying such a large mortgage.  I am loving this new lifestyle because I feel so free.  Free to pursue the things that really matter.  It was a tough thing to go through but in the end I realized that I don't need a lot of "stufff" to be happy; in fact, many of the things I got rid of aren't even missed.  And it is so true....family and true love are what make a house a home.  Once I finally embraced these things, my outlook on life is much more clear.  

They say things happen exactly how they should, and I truly believe that!  My very good friend and former colleague Jenna approached me last summer about a program that she went through called Choice Center.  She couldn't tell me much about it, just that it totally changed her life.  From what she told me, I called it an "emotional MLM."  Even though I totally saw changes in her, I resisted those changes for myself because I truly felt that my life was just fine and that I didn't need to do something like that.  After eight months and hundreds of excuses, I finally decided to go to the seminar and experience it myself.  (If I'm being honest, I actually did it to "get it over with" since I had felt so obligated to go).  But now that I'm back, I have to say...it was the most life-changing thing I have ever done.  I've said this to a few people already, but I would want everyone that I love and care for to experience the same feeling I am feeling right now.  In a nutshell, Choice Center simply is a mirror that you hold up to yourself that makes you see how you "show up" in life.  I have learned so much about myself, and all in good ways, and have taken back the responsibility of everything I have, everything I do, everything I feel, everything that I am and want to be....all to myself!  I would be so happy to share what I've learned to anyone who asks because like I mentioned previously, I'd want everyone I care about to have this same amazing experience.  The first part of the program is called "Discovery" and I am going back to Las Vegas in a few days for the second part called "Breakthrough".  I cannot wait to see what is possible for me!  


Jeannie Baldomero said...

Hey Joce,

Thanks for sharing! The one thing we all need to embrace is contentment. You're right, the stuff we have is what it is, STUFF. What truly matter are the relationships we have with our loved ones. I'm so glad you are in a better place.

BTW, Eric took me to see Wicked for my birthday last September, ABSOLUTELY LOVED it!!! I recommend it to eveyone who is willing to see a musical.


Mei-Ling said...

You go Joce! I'm so happy for you and that things are coming together. I hope breaktrough was just as amazing as the Discovery!

Love you!