Feeling good..

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Four days later, definitely adjusting to my current situation.  The surgery went very well.  Last memory I had was my mom sitting with me in the holding room and knowing many of the nurses from when she was an operating room nurse.  It was comforting to know that I was in good hands.  And as I walked into the operating room, five people were in there with their hair and faces covered, so all I could see were their eyes and they were applauding and woo-hoo'ing...I started laughing; eased the tension for sure.  All I remember was a little poke in my arm and one of the nurses asking how it happened.  I think the only words I got out were..."Well, funny story actually...." and then I woke up to someone asking "You ready to see your folks?"...I couldn't believe how quickly it went by.  Tiredness, frustration, pain....sums up what I've been feeling.  Had my first physical therapy session and I am already walking on one crutch only, so feeling hopeful that recovery and normalcy will occur faster than I thought.  Just taking time to relax a bit.  I've watched every single American Idol episode that I've had taped on our DVR, some songs I've watched several times (i.e. Allison's "Can't make you love me", Adam's "If I can't have you", Kris' "Ain't no Sunshine").  The down time has been nice, but I really want to be back in the real world.


Jenny said...

Glad to hear your recovery is going well :) That is so funny how they wrote which knee to operate on! At least they are being safe. I haven't been watching American Idol too much. Since watching Susan Boyle, I have no interest - haahaa! You'll be back to dancing in no time. This time - wear heels!

gina*b said...

Glad you're feeling good and the whole experience was somewhat comforting. Keep up with the PT and the next pic you post better be you dancing up a storm at your sister's wedding :)