Week in the Life: Wednesday Words + Photos

1. Google's home page for this week: Invention of the Bar Code
2. Even less sleep today: had to wake up extra early to take Sofia to Book Fair Breakfast
3. I miss Ava
4. Book Fair Breakfast included yummy muffins and Peet's Coffee! Had two large cups of it.
5. Sofia was so overwhelmed in the book fair. It was a mad house.
6. Got to work: email awaiting me from ME: not coming in today, going to work from home. (Smile because it means she really has faith in my ability to take care of business)
7. Went to an FHA Loans training seminar. Love learning.
8. After 3 attempts, Myra and I finally made time to meet up for lunch. Turns out her building is directly across the street from mine.
9. Myra treated me to P.F. Changs. Yum. My favorite was the crispy green beans.
10. Great rest of the day at work. Got lots done.
11. Heard the word VIGILANT a lot today!
12. BB messaged Jenny to ask how she liked the Ali Edwards class. Still on the fence.
13. Jay called to tell me that he was going to surprise Sofia by taking her to a movie today: the Meatball cartoon.
14. Thought I'd have a lot of time to kill before Faith Formation class at church. Thanks to traffic, I only had time to grab a Starbucks.
15. Met very nice moms at class. I thought I wouldn't be focused, but I was really into it.
16. The whole theme of class was about our image of God.
17. At some point in the class, I jumped off the fence: decided I wanted to do the Ali class and document my story -- it's worth having my children know about.
18. When getting dressed this morning, I debated about donating this jacket to Goodwill. Today, I got three compliments on it! One lady literally said "I want to rip that jacket off you and keep it." What?!!!
19. Home sweet home. Sofia asleep. Jay asleep.
20. I guess because of the late coffee this evening, I'm wired right now. Watched Glee (twice)...and I think I vote for the boys this time!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

i vote boys too. very appropriate song... confessions. you know..."chick on the side says I've got one on the way"